Archive – February 2023

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Have a question? Contact us at our Puppyland location in Puyallup, Washington.'}, {'block': <Block Node: content. Contents: [<TextNode: '\n <style>\n .copyrig'>, <IfNode>, <TextNode: '\n '>, <Tag: static_placeholder>, <TextNode: '\n '>, <Tag: placeholder>, <TextNode: '\n\n '>, <IfNode>, <TextNode: '\n '>, <IfNode>, <TextNode: '\n\n <main id="main"'>, <Tag: site_config>, <TextNode: '\n '>, <Tag: placeholder>, <TextNode: '\n '>, <Block Node: main. 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A brown dog lying on its back and showing its teeth.

National Pet Dental Health Month

February 01, 2023

February is National Pet Dental Health Month, making it the perfect time to brush up on the importance of canine dental health! A dog's dental health can impact more than just their breath. If left untreated, canine periodontal disease can lead to serious health problems for our furry friends, such as chronic pain and tooth loss. The good news is periodontal disease is often preventable, with proper care, like regular dental checkups and routine tooth brushing, you can help keep your canine companion's teeth in tip-top shape all year long.
